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Downloads of both files and folders are available on Google Drive. NOTE: Several additional downloads are available under the tab START A GROUP.


You do not need a Google account to access and download from Google Drive; but if you have a problem – simply open a Gmail account (it is free and only takes a couple of minutes), then all should work well.


Files are in .pdf format.  If you have an appropriate app you may be able to print directly from your downloaded pdf document.  However, it is more likely that you will need to Save your downloaded document – open your saved document, and – print from your saved document.


The link provided in each tab of this section of the website will take you to a master folder – RETHINK ECON GUIDE 1.  The files and or folders you will want to download are located in this master folder.



Alternative requirements are:


  • Click on the link, or

  • Hold down the Control Key while you click on the link, or

  • Copy link address and enter link address into your browser.



Alternative screens the link will take you to are:


  • Directly to the RETHINK ECON GUIDE 1 folder, or

  • Google Drive HELP screen.  On the top of the Google Drive Help screen is an option “Google Drive” followed by an arrow.  Click on this option and it will take you to the RETHINK ECON GUIDE 1 folder.

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